The Pomerania

Todo sobre nosotros
Country of origin: Germany.
Origins: direct Descendants of the Canis Famítiaris Palustris.
Creation: Natural, does roughly some 1000 years.
Country of origin: Germany.
Origins: direct Descendants of the Canis Famítiaris Palustris.
Creation: Natural, does roughly some 1 000 years.
  *Recognised by the F.C.I.
  *Kennel Club: it Recognises the Pomerania,    Kleinspitz, Mittelspitz and Keeshond
  *To.K.C.: It recognises the Pomerania and Keeshond. Have an equivalent race to the rest of varieties of Spitz German called American Eskimo (divided in three varieties according to the size).

The F.C.I. It has gathered in the group V to all the Spitzs German, before delivered among the groups II and IX. In the group II found the Wolfspitz and the Grosspitz and in the IX the remaining, that is to say, the Mittelspitz, the Kleinspitz and the Zwegspitz. This division was been due to the functionality awarded to each one of them, basically like dogs of company or of utility. REGARDING the canons that have followed to establish the distinct categories of Spitz, can say that they are only of morphological type, as for example the size and the colour of his fur.


It treats of a race of small size, of appearance refinado by his spectacular fur of double layer, with head in shape of coin and small ears, pointy and erectas. In his majority,  have faces that could compare with the one of a fox, others have face of wrist and lately see every time with more expensive frequency resembled the one of the chowchow. The skull is something rounded, but no convex, with stop moderate. The eyes are brilliant, dark and of form almendrada. The nose, lips and the brinks of the eye are black although they can be of colour chocolate (according to the colour of the layer). The teeth have to close in  tijera, although according to the standard FCI admits the bitten in pinza. The body is compact and inscribes in a square (the proportions are 1:1) His spectacular tail deployed on the loin rounds the silhouette. Has a “crown” of abundant fur around the collar that descend until the breast like a gorguera. The breast arrives until the elbows. The peel  of double layer is very abundant, the subpelo is lanoso and soft in contrapartida with the rough texture and rustica of the peel of coverage. It is totally undesirable the peel of coverage of texture lanosa and/or algodonosa.


The colours can englobar in three groups: Solids, parti-colours and exotic.
Inside the solids find the most usual: orange, red, target, black, sabre... (The black tips can give in any colour). That is to say, all the unicolores or more appropriately, all the colours EXENTOS of target. By that although it sound paradoxical... In this group also engloban the marked with "fire" or SO, or was: Black&so, blue&so, chocolate&so, that in spite of having two colours, consider solid.

In the group of the parti-colours are all the marked colours with target. According to the quantity of target, designate of one or another way. Like this we find the Mismark, Piebalds, Irish etc. And in this group also include the marked with SO that besides spend white, or was tricolour.

The group of the exotic is a "drawer of tailor" where are all the rare "colours". Here we see to the blue, merles, atigrados, chocolates, beavers (isabelas).

The pure target is very difficult  to achieve, especially maintaining the type «osito» that see nowadays. Usually they are  of type less evolved. The target has some genetic characteristics very clear-cut and of dominant character, as for example:

Fault of subpelo.
Big ears.
Fine bone.
Long snouts.
Nervous temperament.

At present there is criadores that work in exclusive programs for the white colour, and are achieving exemplary with characteristics of "osito" but maintaining the purity of the colour.

In the case of the  Pomerania, in the exposures the distribution of CAC and CACIB does not do by groups of colours, all the colours compete together and awards an only CAC and  CACIB by sex.


It is not a suitable race to coexist with small boys, that can damage it because of his small size. It is totally dependent of his owner until the adoration and save in copies of character exuberante is good mate for main people. In general it does not cause problems of convivencia with other pets if it has been very socializado. The cachorros recently been born are tiny and delicate. They are very frequent the cesáreas because of the small size of the females.

The Pomerania can be wayward to the hour of the lunch, but in the majority of the cases eat with good appetite, by what is usual in copies of company the cases of obesity. As the majority of races of small size, has  tendency to lose the teeth to an early age. It is recommended to control the state of the mouth periodically to detect problems.


Active, brave, fond, and temperamental. It is a dog extrovertido, of big animosity, in definite, a small dog that thinks that it is a big dog. Very good guardian, with tendency to bark. It is merry and very curious. In general of animosity  cambiante. Has to have care and have it controlled when it was with other animals. It is recommended to do a progressive  introduction and supervised. The Pomerania is extremely intelligent and needs distraction not to fall in the apathy or in problems of behaviour. They are tozudos is necessary the patience and perseverance in the coaching. The owner has to do him understand with white glove the one who is the boss.


In spite of his appearance does not need excessive cares. By the characteristic individuals of his fur, east repels the dirt and will suffice to maintain it a brushed weekly in depth. For this will cater us of a brush of natural sows, carda the softest possible (without bolitas in the tip) and a comb of average quills to review the most conflictive zones “” eat: Armpits, groins and backside of the ears. In these zones the peel is softer and tends to form knots.
Before beginning to brush, rociaremos the peel slightly with a spray bifásico. This will avert that we break the tips when brushing. 

When we have to bathe to our Pomerania, will do it always in some free surroundings of currents of air. We will use suitable products for the skin of the dog (never our own shampoo, the pH is different) and the water of the bath will not be too hot, rather warm to our touch. It is necessary to have special taken care that it do not go in him water in the hearings that could derive in an otitis if these are not very dried. We can warn that among water if before wetting to the dog enter in each pipe a pair of drops of any cleansing product of hearings... Once out of the bath, with help of a bit of toilet paper dry the interior, (not using bastoncitos of cotton). Equally we will ensure us that it remains perfectly cleared of any rest of soap before take it of the bath. The rests of shampoo in the skin can produce annoying dermatitis that will require treatment. It is simpler and cheap give a cleared extra.

To dry to our Pomerania will wrap it in a towel and presionando softly will absorb all the possible water (never rub). Afterwards with help of an electrical dryer and opening the peel by layers with help of a brush, will dry to our dog with the air of the dryer to maximum power but with the temperate temperature. It is very important that ensure us to having dried totally to our Pomerania. BECAUSE OF the double characteristic layer that possess, is easy to give by finalised the session of dried when they still remain rests of humidity in the interior. Review with care opening the peel with the brush. Finally with the comb, will review the armpits, groins and backside of the ears to ensure us that it has not formed any knot after the bath.

The subject of the recortado of the peel in the Pomerania is delicate if it does not effect by a person understood in the race. Never RASURAREMOS THE PEEL . The Pomerania is a race with tendency to suffer follicular atrophy, by what if recortamos excessively the layer, run the risk that this do not go back to grow.

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