
Todo sobre nosotros
The Pomerania descends originally of the ancient races Spitz north that were spent to Europe for the pastoreo of sheep
Country of origin: Germany.
Origins: direct Descendants of the Canis Famítiaris Palustris.
Creation: Natural, does roughly some 1 000 years.
  *Recognised by the F.C.I.
  *Kennel Club: it Recognises the Pomerania,    Kleinspitz, Mittelspitz and Keeshond
  *To.K.C.: It recognises the Pomerania and Keeshond. Have an equivalent race to the rest of varieties of Spitz German called American Eskimo (divided in three varieties according to the size).

The F.C.I. It has gathered in the group V to all the Spitzs German, before delivered among the groups II and IX. In the group II found the Wolfspitz and the Grosspitz and in the IX the remaining, that is to say, the Mittelspitz, the Kleinspitz and the Zwegspitz. This division was been due to the functionality awarded to each one of them, basically like dogs of company or of utility. REGARDING the canons that have followed to establish the distinct categories of Spitz, can say that they are only of morphological type, as for example the size and the colour of his fur.


From a studio aproximativo can deduce that all the Spitz have a common origin, concretised in the Canís Familiaris Palustris (that it is almost with all security the canine variety more ancient that exists). Besides, the Spitz belong to a geographic field very delimited: The region of Pomerania. This region of the seaboard báltico, at present pertaining to Poland, formed part in time pretéritos of the state prusiano. It has characterised enormously to these dogs formed in his soil and has arrived even to join his name with the fate of the same, as the variety  Zwergspitz receives precisely the name of Pomerania. They have been found fossils of dogs of morphology genetically next to the Spitz, called dogs of the peats and of a considerable antiquity.

The Pomerania descends originally of the ancient races Spitz north that were spent to Europe for the pastoreo of sheep. The ancestors of the Pomerania or Lulú of Pomerania as it also knows him , weighed until 30 pounds (of 13 to 14 kg). María Antonieta, Emile Zola and Mozart were proprietary of Pomeranias. It says that among the first in importing officially Pomeranias to England was Reina Charlotte, wife of Jorge III. To final of the 19th century, the queen Victoria turn an enthusiast of the Pomerania and established his own criadero. It presented to his dogs in exposures and had quite success, what did that the race did very popular in England. As to the queen Victoria liked him the small dogs, a lot of criadores tried to diminish the size. By means of the selection of the smallest copies of the litters, the Pomerania was bred from his original size until arriving to the current of 18cm +/-2 (among 2 and 3 kg). The race was recognised like such by the Kennel Club in 1870. The first Pomeranias that were exported of England to the And.And.Or.Or. They were still of size bigger
That the one who today know.

In 1900, the  AKC  recognised the race and  in 1909  the American Pomeranian Club was accepted like member. The big intelligence and liveliness of the Pomerania turn a very popular race. The Pomerania current is mainly a fond dog of company and a striking dog of exposure.


It treats of a race of small size, of appearance refinado by his spectacular fur of double layer, with head in shape of coin and small ears, pointy and erectas. In his majority,  have faces that could compare with the one of a fox, others have face of wrist and lately see every time with more expensive frequency resembled the one of the chowchow. The skull is something rounded, but no convex, with stop moderate. The eyes are brilliant, dark and of form almendrada. The nose, lips and the brinks of the eye are black although they can be of colour chocolate (according to the colour of the layer). The teeth have to close in  tijera, although according to the standard FCI admits the bitten in pinza. The body is compact and inscribes in a square (the proportions are 1:1) His spectacular tail deployed on the loin rounds the silhouette. Has a “crown” of abundant fur around the collar that descend until the breast like a gorguera. The breast arrives until the elbows. The peel  of double layer is very abundant, the subpelo is lanoso and soft in contrapartida with the rough texture and rustica of the peel of coverage. It is totally undesirable the peel of coverage of texture lanosa and/or algodonosa.
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