Arrangement of the peel of the Pomerania

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With a type of peel that hardly it marks and that does not release bad smell.
By the characteristics of the layer of the Spitzs, the baths can be sporadic. It is a type of peel that hardly it marks , that does not release bad smell, and repels the powder and the dirt with some ease. This does that they maintain an appearance almost always flawless. The frequency with that they have to be bathed will depend also of the place and form of life that have. It will not be the same the dog that live in an apartment of city that the one who live in a finca rústica free to mark what want.
Many are the times in that the people asks me when it bathes him for the first time. My opinion is that for being a very clean race and without hardly smell, can expect to that have the program of vaccination completed before giving him the first bath. If it bathed before, the precautions of changes of temperature would have to extremarse to the maximum. Of such way that the place where bathes and dry or was the same sito or if they are different that have the same temperature, free always of any current of air.

Before initiating the bath will observe if our dog is mudando, if has knots, if there is a lot of subpelo died that when wetting it can ocasionar some enredos inimaginables. If there are not knots, neither peel died, will bathe it directly. Brush a peel soiled and dry is not recommended, since it splits . But if there are knots or mechones to half fall by the dumb is advisable to brush it very well from the root, without hastes and to consciousness before wetting it, because in this state would form some enredos terrible and dificilísimos to remove. The peel that there is in the back zone of the ears is a peel finer and where very easily can form knots.

The first step of the bath will be to ensure us that the peel is entirely wetted until the root. It is not easy and it is necessary to insist a lot because of the double layer lanosa that this race has. The water has to be warm to hot without burning. The shampoo has to be specific for dogs, since they have a ph distinct to the ours. If it treats of a cachorro, is preferable that was neutral so that it do not result irritante. For dogs adults, will use one that was specific for dogs of peel half. Usually they are used to to be products concentrated and the proportions will be those that recommend the manufacturer, that can be 1/8, that is to say, by each measure of shampoo or balsam will add eight identical measures of water. We will take with care his ears spending them to in front and covering them so that the water and the soap do not go in. It is advisable to put some drops of cleaner ótico in the ears before initiating the bath.

Already delivered the shampoo by all the body, does not be necessary to rub stir the peel in any direction, did not create to be washing our head, or will form enredos that will do us sweat ink to remove them afterwards. It is necessary worked softly and spend the direction of our toes from the root to the tips, from up downwards, always averting complicate the peel. But at the same time with the sufficient care so that it remain perfectly clean. It is necessary to wash very well the peel of the back zone of the ears that by norm is used to to be more greased and soiled.

Whenever it bathe to the dog it is necessary to think that they have to him vaciar the 2 annual glands. It is necessary to tighten them for vaciar his annual sacks. If it does not know how do it say him to the veterinary that teach him. Of not to do it can suceder that they inflame , infect and pop with sangrado. Of suceder this, that is very painful for the animal, it is necessary to attend immediately to the veterinary that rasurará the annual zone, will clean and will treat with antibiotic. The casting is better to do it in the first enjabonada, because what will exit in shape liquid or terrosa is of a smell as to addled fish. With the second wash disappears any rest of the mentioned smell. It do not put the face in front to look because the liquid exits as to pressure and would result very unpleasant that finished in his face.

It is very important that the cleared was very very done. That it do not remain particle any of soap. The water has to arrive abundant and generous until the root of the peel. Never it is necessary to forget that it treats of a race of double layer and that the inner layer is lanosa. So when you think that already is very cleared, follow a bit more, was generous with the water. The soap of the expensive remove it with a lot of care that it do not go in him in the nose or the mouth that will maintain opened. It is better to do fall the water with utmost care with the hand in shape of hollow or use a sponge to remove the soap. The dogs in general detest that it fall them the water by the face.

Already very cleared will remove him the excess of water with a bayeta absorbent or towel to apply the conditioner. The conditioner does not have to contain silicones, that can modify softening the texture of the peel of this race that is half. The balsam will mix also in the proportions that indicate the manufacturer that can be distinct and will depend the mark that use. The mix will do exactly the same that the described previously, by the shampoo.

To dry to our Pomerania will wrap it in a towel and presionando softly will absorb all the possible water, without rubbing. Afterwards with help of an electrical dryer and opening the peel by layers with help of a brush, will dry to our dog with the air of the dryer to maximum power, but with the temperate temperature. The peel has to remain entirely dry in the root, without humidity. It is necessary to procure that it do not remain any knot, neither complicate by small that it was. Only like this it will achieve a perfect finishing and will avert back problems in the skin like the dandruff by an evil dried or another type of cutaneous reactions.

The direction of the brushed is upwards layer to layer and from the root, beginning by the zone of the head until arriving to the tail. The breast equally brushes by layers going up it upwards in direction to the face.

The subject of the recortado of the peel in the Pomerania is delicate if it does not effect by a person understood in the race. Never RASURAREMOS THE PEEL.
The Pomerania is a race with tendency to suffer follicular atrophy, by what if recortamos excessively the layer, run the risk that this do not go back to grow.

Following the indications that show the arrows of the photo, can do an optimum cut for a dog of company. The arrangement of exposure being the same, is something more complex.
Nourishment of the peel

In spite of his appearance does not need excessive cares. By the characteristic individuals of his fur, east repels the dirt. To be supported by it a brushed weekly will be sufficient. For this caters us rem you of a brush the softest possible (without bolitas in the tip). Each peel is a treasure and it is necessary to avert start it by a brushed wrong. Before beginning to brush, is indispensable rociar the peel slightly with a spray conditioner that nourish and protect the peel, to avert that they break the tips when brushing. Also it can us be useful a comb of average quills for the zone of the face or for the final finishing. To review the most conflictive zones "" that can knot like armpits, groins and backside of the ears, can use with a lot of care a carda soft. In these zones the peel is softer and tends to form knots.
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